Quest For the Holy Bong

Quest For the Holy Bong

Friday, April 2, 2010

Review from Hellride Music

Another Grim Reefer review on our demo tracks, available to check out at this link:


Reviews - Grim Reefer - Demos
03-30-2010, 09:46 PM

Grim Reefer - Demos
By Janet
March 30, 2010

These guys contacted me a few weeks ago and wanted me to hear their stuff, the name alone was enough to get my immediate attention, but honestly I get some horrid stuff that comes my way and so I always screen something prior to a review and after I have listened to it thoroughly and can feel comfortable referring you all to check it out too, so I'm always late with reviews,but hopefully worth the wait. This 2-some hails from Vancouver, B.C. and claims they are on the " Quest for the Holy Bong" through this sludge/stoner/Iron Monkey and Electric Wizard breed and clone the bastard child with some Eyehetgod and Melvins sounding project.

It's always a challenge to review bands that only have 2-3 songs out and they are rough quality demos, but when one comes along that sounds good enough when it's that raw that you can feel the potential as well as hear it, it's worth spewing out a few lines for a review on them. I REALLY hope they release some more stuff and with a slightly better quality to be able to really judge though, but I can say for sure that they have something, just not what yet.

Visit the Grim Reefer website at

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