Quest For the Holy Bong

Quest For the Holy Bong

Monday, May 24, 2010

Friday May 28 at Funky Winkerbeans, 35 W Hastings

We will be playing this Friday night at 9pm at Funky Winkerbeans, 35 West Hastings (Vancouver) along with FETUS GRINDER, DERELICT (Montreal), and ANCIENT OBLITERATION. You don't want to miss this fucking show, we'll be playing all our current finished material! DERELICT are from Montreal, progressive death metal worth checking out!

We are also going to be playing another gig early July with STEEL CHARIOT, DEAD SPACE, & another band. More info TBA. For this show, we will have both splits available and possibly shirts for sale, and on top of that, even newer tunes for you to check out!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Splits out in June / Looking for more Gigs

So our gig at Las Brisas went well (at least our set), now it's time to move on and play some more! We already have one MORE new track to be revealed at the next show, on top of the 7 we already play. So if you are putting a gig on or know of one happening, let us know through here or Myspace ( or even e-mail us at ...We're fucking tight and want to play some fuckin' stoner doom!

Moving onto other things, we now have more information on the splits coming out in June through Hollow Skull Recordings. The artwork will be finished and ready by the end of the month.

THE FIRST SPLIT is Grim Reefer / Kush - Kush is a psychadelic drone/ambient/fucked up one-man project from Colorado, US. I believe that he is also doing the art for this one. The CD will feature a wicked 4 page booklet & will be released as 300 copies. It will be available to purchase directly off of our MySpace page. This will be the tracklisting:

- G R I M R E E F E R -
1. Third Lung
2. Solmestrom
3. Kief
- K U S H -
4. Green Addiction
5. Two Bags
6. Headrush

THE SECOND SPLIT is Grim Reefer / Psilocybin - Psilocybin is a sideproject of mine (Dragos) that has existed since 2005, the older & more low-budget recordings released through various demos EP's and tapes. Fortunately, the band is now very solid with a full line-up (also featuring Tanner on bass) and we will have solid brand new recordings. The CD will feature a 4-page booklet and will be limited to a 200 press. It will also be available to purchase direclty off our Myspace page. This is the tracklisting:

- G R I M R E E F E R -
1. Kief
2. Third Lung
- P S I L O C Y B I N -
3. The Night Prism
4. Anaconda

Any further questions about the splits can be referred to Blob at (Hollow Skull Recordings). The artwork and any new info will be posted here and perhaps tweeted if we feel necessary!
